Our philosophy is that education makes the difference between continued violence, a by-product of the war on drugs, and safer communities that embrace harm reduction strategies, create regulated markets, and enable access to effective treatments for patients, when contemplating the role of drugs in our society.
We love victories, large and small – we’re good at creating them too! Whether it is expanding the allowable conditions in Minnesota’s medical cannabis program, organizing conferences, partnering on projects, or doing community outreach, we are proud of the work we do and hope to gain your support.
Sensible Minnesota aims to make our neighborhoods safer and more inclusive for those negatively impacted by cannabis prohibition and the war on drugs; collectively we work to educate the public and promote societal changes that emphasize compassion over isolation, restorative justice over incarceration, and public health over stigma.
Ever here the phrase some Heroes don’t need capes? This group really is doing the lords work. They care about helping people who suffer from countless medical issues. They fight harder than any organization in this state for the rights of people just like you and me. In short, I love these people, and I really think you should too.
I started my medical cannabis path by learning through the work of Sensible. They guided me from certification to picking up the medicine. Through the years they were a crucial part of my education from the first email to attending the last Summit at Hamline University. Sensible is a leader in Minnesota’s cannabis community!
Sensible Minnesota is a dynamic advocacy organization that takes the time to sift through a lot of information, experience, law, and culture to propose meaningful changes and reform of cannabis policy and its associated facets. They do great work and we are better off for it.
Sensible Minnesota Welcomes New Leadership
The Sensible Minnesota Board of Directors is excited to announce the appointment of two new board members to our [...]
Minnesota approves edibles for medical cannabis program
The Sensible Minnesota and Sensible Change Minnesota teams applaud Commissioner Malcom’s decision to add certain edibles (gummies and chews) [...]
2021 Medical Cannabis Program Updates
After significant work by our partner organization, Sensible Change Minnesota, patients statewide, and other stakeholders, a number of changes [...]
In response to the murder of George Floyd and the Minneapolis Protests
Police brutality is not a sensible response to victimless crime. Our team was horrified by the brutal murder of [...]